(Seattle – February 1, 2012) Due to its size, population and proximity to Puget Sound, Joint Base Lewis-McChord has received a proposed Municipal Stormwater discharge permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(Boston, Mass. – Feb
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection.Previous Science Wednesdays.By Tarlie TownsendDr. Gro Harlem Brundtland and I have a lot in common. For instance: after getting her medical degree she completed a master’s in public health at Harvard. Just a few days ago, I was…
By Sasha Koo-OshimaAll over the world, developing countries are faced with the challenge of trying to grow their economies despite finite water resources. The U.S. government, including EPA, is helping countries address some of their most pressing clean water needs while trying to develop…
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced that it will provide $9.8 million in grants to 38 states, territories and tribes to help protect the health of swimmers at America’s beaches
By Philip JalbertI am very excited and proud to be part of a small team of EPA employees that is taking on an issue that is important to me both professionally and personally. The project is unprecedented in that it addresses a serious health risk: radioactive radon gas. Radon causes lung cancer and…
Por Philip JalbertHay un interesante proyecto en el cual un pequeño equipo y yo estamos personalmente involucrados. Este proyecto sin precedentes aborda el asunto de un serio riesgo de salud. Se trata del gas radioactivo radón. El radón causa cáncer pulmonar y mata a más de 21,0000…
Comments from the public accepted until March 30, 2012 (Seattle – Jan. 30, 2012) EPA is now seeking input on two draft waste water discharge permits for oil and gas exploration activities in Alaska’s Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
By Bruce DuncanThe Region 10 Science Steering Council recently hosted our first “Science Café” to discuss how our Seattle office building is working toward LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification as we undergo a major remodel. LEED is a third party certification…
By Abigail DakenSeveral of my coworkers have asked me for tips when they are thinking of replacing their HVAC (heating, cooling and air conditioning) system. Each situation is different, and it can be challenge to think about the best and least costly ways of saving energy. Still, there are some…
Mussels are also called 'bivalves'. This means they have two shells or valves (a right valve and a left valve). The zebra mussel gets its name because of the dark, striped pattern on each valve. Usually the shell is a light color (tan, beige) with the zig-zag stripes. However, some are…
The scientific name is Dreissena polymorpha .
It’s doubtful that clothing, jewelry, furniture, or even building materials comes to mind, right? Perhaps you were picturing bicycling uphill instead?In fourth grade, my best friend was way ahead of the curve. She took a cracker box, paper towel roll, pieces of an empty cereal box, purple paint,…
U.S. EPA Media Alert Friday: U.S
(Seattle—Jan. 26, 2012) Oregon Potato Company failed to report an anhydrous ammonia release at their facility in Warden, Washington and will pay the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency a $66,235 penalty
By Lina Younes At the beginning of the year, I decided that 2012 was going to be the year for me to get healthier. I thought that if I used that as my guiding light for the months ahead, this resolution would likely survive beyond the month of January. Granted that in order to get healthier, I [...]
For Immediate Release No. 12-OPA006 CHICAGO (Jan. 26, 2012) - The U.S
Por Lina YounesA principios del año, decidí que el 2012 sería el año en el cual me dedicaría a ser más saludable. Pensé que si fijaba esa meta como mi norte para los meses venideros, esta resolución tendría mejores posibilidades de sobrevivir más allá de enero.Admito que para lograr ser…
(New York, N.Y. ) What is odorless, colorless and could be a serious health problem that may be right in your home? A LaGuardia high school student, NYC public school, Laura Dabalsa knows the answer is radon