Takin' it to the Market
written by Jim Berry
It takes a lot to sell and make money in a business. You have the education, read all the right books and have a fair amount of experience. But you still don't seem to be making good selling decisions & your judgement seems lacking regarding actually getting the job done. You are not as far along the line as you think you should be. Where did you go wrong? Why can't you make it happen? When will the tide turn for you? Why can't you get ahead in this area called selling & making money? You have to ask yourself a few hard questions. For example, considering the market, do you have something unique to sell or do you have so much competition that your business has come down to always selling at the lowest price? If you have nothing unique to sell you are stuck with the masses of business in the "price game".

Let's ask another question. Can you sell your expertise and does the buyer value your edge in the market? If you don't have a particular expertise then, in reality, what makes you different or what do you have to offer? If you are all over the map in your approach and are not focused with a particular expertise - why should the market buy from you?

Are you always a day late in selling to the market? Is it that you are not quick enough to respond to the market demand? Or do you spend all of your time in R&D and cannot get your stuff on the street? I have know many people that are idea rich and cash poor.

Have you lost the opportunity? Did you focus so long on the steak that you forgot to sell the sizzle? If you are selling something in its generic form you will not attract a very large portion of the market. You have to add your special "flavor" to it. Even if the idea is not unique you can disguise it well enough so that the market will buy it because of your new twist. There are really not many truly original ideas. Most of the genius today is a remake or add on to improve an existing condition or to respond to a new market demand.

There are many people that have business models that don't work in reality. The basic premises of many models are limited in scope. The business modeler spends all of his time with the super structure of the model and goes broke because it is not making dollars for him along the way. Ten years after the model was started, they still have not gotten to first base.

You are in business to sell and make money. If you are not doing this, you are not in business. You are not part of the game. You are not a player or a participant.

You should open up a little candy store - far down a country road - and sell the "blue ones, the green ones and the red ones". You won't be a competitor, but at least you'll be selling something and not deluding yourself.