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What Next for Biodiversity Protection in the EU (European Union)? (Jan 19, 2010) European Commission. The European Commission marked the opening of the International Year of Biodiversity with a paper setting out future options for biodiversity policy. Options for an EU vision and Target for…
USDA Provides Funding to Cooperators for Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention (Jan 19, 2010) U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA has allocated $45 million, provided by Section 10201 of the 2008 Farm Bill for projects to build and preserve critical plant health safeguarding…
DCR Sets Boat Inspection Procedures for the Quabbin Reservoir Fishing Season (PDF | 22 KB) (Jan 25, 2010) Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. State officials determined that a properly implemented boat inspection and washing program could prevent the transfer of mussels or…
Little Fire Ants Spread to Kona (Jan 27, 2010) Hawaii Department of Agriculture. The invasive stinging ant called the Little Fire Ant (LFA) has spread from the east side of Hawai'i Island to the west side. While LFA was detected earlier this month at two locations in Kailua-Kona, state…
A 10 percent drop in water vapor ten miles above Earth’s surface has had a big impact on global warming, say researchers in a study published online January 28 in the journal Science. The findings might help explain why global surface temperatures have not risen as fast in the last ten years as…
(New York, N.Y.) You must follow environmental law. That’s the clear message that the U.S
(New York, N.Y.) You must follow environmental law. That’s the clear message that the U.S
In last week’s blog “When In Doubt, Throw It Out!,”I discussed the use of toxic metals in some toy jewelry and metal trinkets produced overseas. As the title suggested, I recommended if you were concerned over the potential toxicity and risks of these toys, the best thing to do was to dispose…
En el blog de la semana pasada “Si tiene dudas, échelo a la basura”, mencioné el uso de metales tóxicos en algunos juguetes y baratijas de metal producidos en el exterior. Como sugiere el título, recomendé que si usted está preocupado sobre la posible toxicidad y los riesgos de estos…
New Conference Proceedings: Aquatic Invasive Species Mid-Atlantic Workshop - "Vector Management: A Prevention Solution" Maryland Sea Grant. Dec 2, 2009 Admiral Fell Inn Baltimore, Maryland Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council Annual Meeting - "Meeting the Challenges of Invasive…
NOAA awarded the University of Hawaii at Manoa Kewalo Marine Laboratory a $199,996 grant to address the effects of land-based sources of pollution on coral reefs in the Pacific. The money will fund the first year of a five-year, $1 million dollar project.
Researchers are working with commercial fishermen to put electronic tags on hundreds of monkfish (Lophius americanus) in the waters of southern New England and the Gulf of Maine to track where the commercially important fish goes during its lifetime, and to answer other questions about its biology.
EPA and the Rocky Mountain Greener Venues Partnership Promote “Our Planet, Our Stuff, Our Choice” National Video Contest (Denver, Colo. – January 27, 2010) The U.S
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.How great it would be to be on the cover of the Rolling Stone! (…or would it be Spin now?) Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show aspired to this position in their famous song of 1972, written by Shel…
Despite a decade of efforts worldwide to curb its release into the atmosphere, NOAA and university scientists have measured increased emissions of a greenhouse gas that is thousands of times more efficient at trapping heat than carbon dioxide and persists in the atmosphere for nearly 300 years.
(Boston, Mass, - Jan. 27, 2010) – Pollution control measures contained in a draft Clean Water permit would help control excessive pollution from stormwater runoff from 84 communities in Eastern Massachusetts
PHILADELPHIA (January 26, 2010) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced the creation of the “Eyes on Drilling” tipline for citizens to report non-emergency suspicious activity related to oil and natural gas development
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is modifying the 2008 stormwater construction general permit, extending the permit by one year to June 30, 2011
Global Indicators of Biological Invasion: Species Numbers, Biodiversity Impact and Policy Responses (Jan 2010) - Abstract / Press Release - Impact of Nature's Invading Aliens Measured for First Time (Jan 22, 2010) International Union for Conservation of Nature. Invasive alien species, ranging…
Impact of Nature's Invading Aliens Measured for First Time (Jan 22, 2010) International Union for Conservation of Nature. Invasive alien species, ranging from disease and plants, to rats and goats, are one of the top three threats to life on this planet, according to a new publication…
What Next for Biodiversity Protection in the EU (European Union)? (Jan 19, 2010) European Commission. The European Commission marked the opening of the International Year of Biodiversity with a paper setting out future options for biodiversity policy. Options for an EU vision and Target for…
USDA Provides Funding to Cooperators for Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention (Jan 19, 2010) U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA has allocated $45 million, provided by Section 10201 of the 2008 Farm Bill for projects to build and preserve critical plant health safeguarding…
DCR Sets Boat Inspection Procedures for the Quabbin Reservoir Fishing Season (PDF | 22 KB) (Jan 25, 2010) Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. State officials determined that a properly implemented boat inspection and washing program could prevent the transfer of mussels or…
Little Fire Ants Spread to Kona (Jan 27, 2010) Hawaii Department of Agriculture. The invasive stinging ant called the Little Fire Ant (LFA) has spread from the east side of Hawai'i Island to the west side. While LFA was detected earlier this month at two locations in Kailua-Kona, state…
A 10 percent drop in water vapor ten miles above Earth’s surface has had a big impact on global warming, say researchers in a study published online January 28 in the journal Science. The findings might help explain why global surface temperatures have not risen as fast in the last ten years as…
(New York, N.Y.) You must follow environmental law. That’s the clear message that the U.S
(New York, N.Y.) You must follow environmental law. That’s the clear message that the U.S
In last week’s blog “When In Doubt, Throw It Out!,”I discussed the use of toxic metals in some toy jewelry and metal trinkets produced overseas. As the title suggested, I recommended if you were concerned over the potential toxicity and risks of these toys, the best thing to do was to dispose…
En el blog de la semana pasada “Si tiene dudas, échelo a la basura”, mencioné el uso de metales tóxicos en algunos juguetes y baratijas de metal producidos en el exterior. Como sugiere el título, recomendé que si usted está preocupado sobre la posible toxicidad y los riesgos de estos…
New Conference Proceedings: Aquatic Invasive Species Mid-Atlantic Workshop - "Vector Management: A Prevention Solution" Maryland Sea Grant. Dec 2, 2009 Admiral Fell Inn Baltimore, Maryland Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council Annual Meeting - "Meeting the Challenges of Invasive…
NOAA awarded the University of Hawaii at Manoa Kewalo Marine Laboratory a $199,996 grant to address the effects of land-based sources of pollution on coral reefs in the Pacific. The money will fund the first year of a five-year, $1 million dollar project.
Researchers are working with commercial fishermen to put electronic tags on hundreds of monkfish (Lophius americanus) in the waters of southern New England and the Gulf of Maine to track where the commercially important fish goes during its lifetime, and to answer other questions about its biology.
EPA and the Rocky Mountain Greener Venues Partnership Promote “Our Planet, Our Stuff, Our Choice” National Video Contest (Denver, Colo. – January 27, 2010) The U.S
Each week we write about the science behind environmental protection. Previous Science Wednesdays.How great it would be to be on the cover of the Rolling Stone! (…or would it be Spin now?) Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show aspired to this position in their famous song of 1972, written by Shel…
Despite a decade of efforts worldwide to curb its release into the atmosphere, NOAA and university scientists have measured increased emissions of a greenhouse gas that is thousands of times more efficient at trapping heat than carbon dioxide and persists in the atmosphere for nearly 300 years.
(Boston, Mass, - Jan. 27, 2010) – Pollution control measures contained in a draft Clean Water permit would help control excessive pollution from stormwater runoff from 84 communities in Eastern Massachusetts
PHILADELPHIA (January 26, 2010) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced the creation of the “Eyes on Drilling” tipline for citizens to report non-emergency suspicious activity related to oil and natural gas development
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is modifying the 2008 stormwater construction general permit, extending the permit by one year to June 30, 2011
Global Indicators of Biological Invasion: Species Numbers, Biodiversity Impact and Policy Responses (Jan 2010) - Abstract / Press Release - Impact of Nature's Invading Aliens Measured for First Time (Jan 22, 2010) International Union for Conservation of Nature. Invasive alien species, ranging…
Impact of Nature's Invading Aliens Measured for First Time (Jan 22, 2010) International Union for Conservation of Nature. Invasive alien species, ranging from disease and plants, to rats and goats, are one of the top three threats to life on this planet, according to a new publication…