
Ecology, Energy, Economy

The Oil Industry On Cap And Trade

Posted on | February 19, 2009 | 6 Comments


Cap and trade is a government and business plan to help reduce human induced climate change. Under such a plan, polluters are taxed if they go over the cap. Companies that pollute under the cap are given credits that they can trade in the commodities markets.

The system has been in place in the EU for quite some time. Australia will start its cap and trade plan in 2010. After Barack Obama was elected President, Canada announced that they want a North America cap and trade system.

Several of the leaders in the fossil fuel industry have also started pushing for cap and trade.

Chevron says, “Guided by our Seven Principles for Addressing Climate Change, published in 2007, Chevron is working internationally and at the U.S. federal and state levels to build consensus on climate change policy. For example… in Australia, we provided input to the government on the development of a carbon trading program.”

Shell Oil says that cap-and-trade is “a good thing.”

Instead of cap and trade, ExxonMobil has said they would like a US carbon tax so they could gain certainty over how much carbon will cost in the future.

Exxon’s chief executive Rex Tillerson, said that while “it is hard to speak favourably about any new tax”, a carbon tax represents “a more direct, a more transparent and a more effective approach” than cap-and-trade mechanisms.

However, Shell would rather see cap and trade. James Smith, chairman of Shell UK said, “The cap in a cap-and-schemes trade ensures that the environmental objective is met – it works and it is already proven that it works,” he said, adding that any government setting a carbon tax would face the difficult challenge of setting the right price. “Set it too low and you won’t meet the environmental objectives, too high and you cut off economic activity.”


6 Responses to “The Oil Industry On Cap And Trade”

  1. S
    March 9th, 2009 @ 5:10 am


    Thanks for the info about Cap-and-trade system…

  2. Cap-and-trade system
    March 15th, 2009 @ 9:28 pm

    Cap-and-trade system…

    Congratulations on building an interesting web page, much better than the average info about Cap-and-trade system, you’s is actually interesting and well presentend. I had been searching for this since last Sunday. I’m bookmarking CCAN Blog ” Fa…

  3. sebastien
    March 17th, 2009 @ 1:30 am


    I have to respectfully disagree with the writer of Hot Air ” Blog Archive ” The coming cap-and-trade tax as I have veen studying Cap-and-trade system wor a while now and just last Monday, I found quite a few articles stating the exact opposite….

  4. info
    March 17th, 2009 @ 1:15 pm


    Thanks for the info about Cap-and-trade system…

  5. Seb
    March 17th, 2009 @ 1:21 pm


    It’s always nice to find well researched posts about Cap-and-trade system. I am quite interested in the subject and find your Hot Air ” Blog Archive ” The coming cap-and-trade tax to be quite well researched….

  6. Cap-and-trade system
    March 17th, 2009 @ 9:20 pm

    Cap-and-trade system…

    I’m getting a little confused as I’m very interested in Cap-and-trade system and I have been enjoying this Hot Air ” Blog Archive ” The coming cap-and-trade tax blog for a little while now but this is Tuesday and just today, I have seen 4 conflicti…

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