
Ecology, Energy, Economy

Archipelago East Of Quebec Melting Away

The warmest winter on record is causing the ice to melt in Canada. The lack of ice has caused thousands of seals to breed elsewhere. The island economy is expected to lose 6 million dollars. Baby seals are dying.
Fishers and hunters are quite concerned about the changes. A resident said, “There [...]

Climate Change and Human Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Sub-Saharan Africa is the least urbanized region in the world. Only 39.1% of the region’s population lives in cities.1 However, the region’s urban population is projected to more than double to 760 million by 2030.1 The rate of urbanization makes it very challenging to manage. A recent paper in the [...]

Global warming hitting all of Antarctica: scientists

PARIS (AFP) – Scientists on Wednesday unveiled evidence to suggest global warming is affecting all of Antarctica, home to the world’s mightiest store of ice.
The average temperature across the White Continent has been rising for the last half century and the finger of blame points at the greenhouse effect, they said.
The research, published in the [...]

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