MegaEpix Enormous Presents

(with help from our friends @)
Try Me?

Sorry folks...

Is this now what you expected to see?

Date: A While Ago
From: A member of a famous rock-n-roll band... whose identity we'll protect... so, let's
call the band The Rabbits... and this famous musician, Sniffle.
To: the membrane domain
Subject: Tristan

Hi there....
I've got the coolest, killer guitar player / songwriter for you!
He's the Guitar player for The Rabbits. He just signed management with
my good buddy Sam (The biggest West Coast PR guy ever!) and has
many major labels wanting him now! You must check out his site.

I told him you would do a ROMBOX thing on him, like ya did for me.

check it out:)



should i go ahead with a site for em?

Sniffle replies:

of course!!!!!!
twood be real cool!

get back loretta

So, we do some simple pages to get it going... and the comments are encouraging:

From: Sniffle
To: the membrane domain
Subject: romper room

Hey there!
Great job on Tristan!

he he he ha ha ha


In pursuit of some good content we write back:

and, now i'm in search of music that has the 2 of ya playing on it....

is there any?

cuz dat would we b kewl

Sniffle replies:
yeah....dat would we b kewl........but dere an't nutin' yet!
maybe someday.......
did ya ask tristan?

To: tristan
Subject: yo

hey there... i've been workin' with Sniffle

we have a site up for ya at

for now, it's sort-of a mirror to your other site...
however; we'd like to do some kewl stuph if it's all
right with you?

like... lots of sound clips... can you mail me anything
in digital format... like a cd or dat?

also, some interview sorts of things might be
swell for in our on-line zine --
(The Rock N' Roll Romper Room)
... if'n ya start emailin' me, i can turn it into webpages

just let me know?

From: tristan
Subject: Re: yo

Hi there, what an unexpected pleasure.

By all means, I would actually rather have it completely different instead
of a rough analog of my site. the site really doesn't make much sense w/o
external links, sound files, loops etc. I don't know what browser you're
using but there's a lot more going on there than meets the eye.

There are certain key things that bother me too, like the fact that you
changed "abduction 'dream'?" to "Alien Abduction" with capital letters. I
never wanted to give the impression I was claiming to have had an actual
"experience". As much as I appreciate what you've done, it was done w/o my
permission and I feel a little weird about it. I would rather take it down
and put up some stuff that is unavailable on my site, like RealAudio,
LiquidAudio, ShockWave or something like that.

For that matter, I think LiquidAudio lets you download full-length
CD-quality songs - if you know how to set it up (I don't) and have the
credit-card stuff worked out we could actually make some money here...

An interview would be great... tell you what, I'll send you a bio and then
you can email me and start firin' away w/ the questions...


- T

We write back:
cool... and yeah, i'm sorry if their were changes...
i didn't do the work myself... a vol un tear did (i
was unaware of any changes?)

so, we can fixer up... and yeah, makin' sum money
down da road ain't a bad idea, either

and sorry about da feeling weird thingie -
"As much as I appreciate what you've done, it was done w/o my
permission and I feel a little weird about it."

but i thought we had your permission... that's why we did it?

just wanna make sure we are gettin' off on da right foot....

Sniffle had emailed me sumpin' about puttin' ya up...
it was a while a go... coupla months i think (we've
been busy...hehehe)

so anyhoo... lets rock n' roll?

From: tristan
Subject: Re: yo
Status: RO


(what's yer name, anyhoo?)

I visited your site and am thrilled to be a part of it. I am particularly
excited about the prospect of doing an interview. I attach a press release
in HTML to give us some starting points for discussion.

>snif had emailed me sumpin' about puttin' ya up...
>it was a while a go... coupla months i think (we've
>been busy...hehehe)

I was just taken off-guard, is all. Sniffle mentioned Rombox to me and said he
knew a guy with a RealAudio server he wanted to hook me up with, but I
guess we both got busy and just forgot about it.

Be sure to include a mailing address in your reply so I can send you a tape
- that way we both know what the hell we're talking about.

I will be in L.A. next week and can be reached at the xxxxxxx
hotel under my full name: Tristan blahblah.

Thanks - T

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