MegaEpix Enormous Presents

(with help from our friends @)
Try Me?

Sorry folks...

Is this now what you expected to see?

... several letters go back in forth while we set-up a link to "your" site

... followed by several letters about how much money, time and materials
are spent on the artists by the volunteers.

so, we try to explain what we're about:

we are a cooperative of musicians and artists...
that like to have sum phun doing business

1) we can include your work on promo pieces.

at the moment this includes:
experiments with cdroms, dvd, audio cd's,
vhs and cassette tapes. the promo's are meant to
create networking and exposure opportunities

most importantly, the experiments exposure you to
new friends that will be collaborating on the projects

2) there are joint venture opportunities...
our latest project can be found at

with joint ventures, the artists agree on ownership terms
for a project... then, manufacturing, distribution and marketing
teams go to work on making it happen

3) *our main thrust is in multimedia productions*

other opportunities are available with video, etc.
in fact, the name rombox comes from the stacks of cdrom
players we have serving music projects over the net

...the possibilities seem endless

the catch is: we don't need no stinkin' slackers

there is no magical internet fairy that makes it all

all the artists work together to make shit happen...
like a team

are you hip?

When Tristan says the follwing, we think things are looking great:

I'm hip.

Since I 've already quit drugs, alcohol, smoking, and eating meat, my new
year's resolution is to stop being a jerk to people who are trying to help

I have to admit that when I saw the kewl spelling stuph I was less inclined
to take you seriously. (At this point, anyone can put up a website - the
Internet is full of people in home-movie/public - access cable mode.)
Perhaps I'm overly protective of the way my work and my image are
presented. That was one of the things that attracted me to the Web in the
first place - the way an artist can control his/her own "exposure".
However, anyone who can marshal the kind of resources you are talking about
deserves respect - you could be speaking fugging Esperanto for all I care.
And it sounds like you doing some really kewl stuph. ;-)

I've been on the Web for about 4 years - in fact I had one of the first
Internet musician's contact services. I'm no code genius, but I write well
(see this month's issue of Beats online music zine) and have some ideas
about how the medium can be used, particularly to benefit artists.

How can I get more involved?

Thanks - T

so, we say:

well, its funny you should mention "control his/her own 'exposure'"
and "marshal the kind of resources" in the same paragraph

perhaps this will be an opportunity for you to get more involved?

did ya notice in any of those emails... that we're workin' on
some team projects... and of particular coincidence is
one of the themes being explored:

Man as individuals vs. Man as an organism

we appear to be on the threshold of a microcosm...
control own 'exposure' vs. marshal combined resources?

maybe you/us can write sumpin' up about this... there's lots of
different angles....

the traditional - musician vs music industry

something new - the musician vs combined "low level" resources
(this could lead to political debate eg communism, etc.)

something bigger - individual freedom vs what is better for
the group

my purpose would be at least 3 fold:

1) have a way to explain to interested artists what
being part of the Membrane Domain is about

2) fit it in with the overall team project
(i can send ya more info on that if ya like)

3) gain an audience

what do ya think?

followed by prolonged silence...

then more silence... still no CD of music... still no written content...


To: The Membrane Domain
From: tristan
Subject: legal action

Dear Sirs,

Please remove all of these pages from your website. They are outdated, they
come up first (before my official webpage) in searches for my name on most
search engines and you do not have my permission to use the material. In
short, you are in copyright violation and are subject to legal action.

Thank you.
-Tristan Avakian

so, sorry folks...

the page you expected to see no longer lives here.

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