Deploy Assets to Address Threat Profile
- Education: written security policy, 'social engineering' defences,
documentation, user training
- Engineering: human, network and system configurations to reduce
exposure of high value assets -- build security into the design
- Testing: usability testing, penetration test, IV&V
- Maintenance: bugfixes, new releases, new attacks, network upgrades,
integrity checks, usability enhancements,evolution of the Internet
Goals and Tools
- Avoidance: concealment, evasion, misdirection
- Detection and Defence: Network monitoring, traffic analysis/control,
logging, hardened software, encryption and authentication, human
eyeballs,offline communication, backdoors, trapdoors and sandboxes
- Backup: reliable onsite and offsite backup, verification issues,
alternate communication channels
- Contingency Planning: Can you restart from scratch ?
So what do you do if tragedy strikes?