Initiatives And Actions
NOTES: Ambler Green Committee Meeting Theresa Clement
2009; held at Caffe Maida, Butler Pike, Ambler, PA
Green Committee: Daniel Brouse, chair; Susan Curry; and Wally Urbanavage
Discuss: Background, Initiatives
Business Recycling:
First initiative: aim to get one commercial waster hauler for most borough businesses – stalled when Borough not interested in managing collecting the bills.
Second initiative: aim to encourage all FOOD businesses to install a ClearStream recycling stand near their entrance/exit to collect cans and bottles purchased and emptied while waiting for food – stalled when Ron Myers broke his shoulder while working to get additional recycling dumpsters. NOTE: Borough Manager has authorized one new recycling dumpster behind the borough hall as an experiment to how much it will be used.
Third initiative: Led a workshop for businesses on managing their waste and recycling. Three businesses attended. Sigi can lead another business seminar on managing waste stream–if minimum 10 businesses guaranteed attendance. Best timing 9:00 AM or 6:00 pm Kimmel & Silverman, P.C. interested.
Plastic Bag Free Ambler:
Art contest. 4 levels of school students, so 4 design winners
Sigi: create border to be consistent around each design; purchase 25 bags with each of the 4 designs
Sales at back-to-school events, Oktoberfest, scouts groups, Ambler businesses
Some profit to seller.
EAC member needs to design a reorder form.
AMS can sell canvas bags through PayPal.
Bicycle Racks and Bicycling Routes:
Identify existing bike racks
Install additional racks
Consider recommending "preferred" cycling routes
Green Policy Initiative:
First, have AMS Board approve the pledge.
Next, a few businesses make the pledge -- pay $5, get a window sticker, web prominence; eventual annual Green Awards program
Then, have Ambler Borough Council sign pledge.
Then, bring in publicity about it (Enterprise, Ambler Gazette, other)
After focus on small merchants, then larger businesses, can expand to institutions, schools, and churches later.
1.Daniel Brouse send to Theresa: a selected uncomplicated list of "low hanging fruit" action items to start doing by businesses who make the Green Policy Pledge.
2.Green Committee ask Denine to design a window sticker
3.Susan Curry activate Ron Myers to locate existing recycling dumpsters in town and locations for 3 new dumpsters for additional business recycling. (Potential locations: Club 31, Artman, Italian Club, Cavalier Parking Lot, others)
4.Susan contact Sigi to create final border design for canvas bags
5.Green Committee, Ambler EAC, and AMS collaborate to create a "Green Block" for Oktoberfest
(1st week-end of Oct. Friday night? Saturday, Ambler Theater concert? Raindate: Sunday) Following year:
a "Green Day in Ambler" green fest. Bikes only day; arts and crafts, solar, elect car, schools. Investigate a grant to support Ambler Green Fest; teaching composting, Rainbarrels, etc.
6.Ambler EAC consider "Memorial Tree donations" as a way to raise funds for trees
7.Susan follow up with CVS managers to request no plastic bags when they open
8.Susan estimate amount of increased state recycling performance grant monies that Ambler Boro may reap as a result of greater business recycling (knowing increased tonnage
helps make a case that its worth it for Borough to foot the bill for two additional recycling dumpsters.)