Pledge To Be A Green Business

Our business knows that our day-to-day economic decisions have an impact on the environment. Also, our environmental decisions have an impact on the economy. Therefore, we will make every attempt to be a greener and more profitable business.

We pledge to reduce our impact on the environment in the following five areas:
Practice Energy Efficiency
Protect Water
Promote Clean Air
Preserve Land
Recycle & Reuse

Signed: _________________________________

Title: ___________________________________

Name of Business: __________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Included in our efforts will be to:

* Recycle
* Buy recycled products
* Turn lights off
* Unplug appliances
* Weatherize
* Walk or bicycle

* Adjust thermostat (67F winter/75F summer)
* Monthly change of filters (air conditioners/heaters)
* Adopt a tree, garden or flower bed
* Join or organize a comunity cleanup
* Use reusable canvas shopping bags
* Join the Green Committee and/or the EAC

The Green Committee