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The lyrics were written while looking out the window of an airplane. I am not sure what I was looking at… but, my guess is we were flying through some ice crystals. The way the sun was hitting them caused them to act like little prisms… and, because of our elevation they were not falling to earth. Instead, they were dancing around. Rather than dismiss the mist, I thought about how the Earth looked like a giant brain with the dancing ice crystals looking like synapses making connections to neurons.

Through the mist
I see the mist
Is what I see
And, curiously
I get the gist
Of ice crystals
Like neurons
Appear spastic
At first glance
Then the dance
Comes into focus
Less ridicules
Not hocus pocus
A rhyme to the rhythm
A reason to the rhyme
Defeating time
Defeating space
Define the race

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