Since my friend had never heard of them, I said, "You know? They had a hit song about beating up girls." I immediately started choking on my words and began to correct myself. Randy intervened and interjected, "Domestic violence." Little did he know that this is a topic dear to my heart; however, in my case, it was a woman beating up a man and her son.
"Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?"
-- from the song Face Down
This got us talking about Christian music and the band Swithfoot. Here are my notes:
Switchfoot = thumbs up
Christian Rock = care should be taken in being classified... the important part is getting the message out. You don't want a classification holding that back.
Record Labels = suck
Touring = good
Merch = sold out
Europe Vs. USA = about the same but European fans appreciate the fact they may not be back soon
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus on FaceBook
In 2006, they released their first LP, Don't You Fake It, with the singles "Face Down", "False Pretense", "Your Guardian Angel", and "Damn Regret".
In June 2007, according to, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus began to work on their second album, Lonely Road, that had "a tentative release date being summer 2008." The band was then pulled out of their confirmed appearances at the Australian Soundwave festival tour 2008, after their label president promised to pay money that was owed and have the band in the studio, but instead didn't pull through.
When I asked him about the trouble with his record company and the ability to sell copies of their hit single, Randy replied, "We kept the rights to the masters."