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The Power Of Weird


A weird thing happened to me
A weird thing happened to me

Ya woulda’ thunk
She’d let me be
Ya woulda’ stunk

Power overtakes me
Wow, Her, gloriously
Power overtakes me

Her power overwhelms
Stronger than oaks
Sweeter than maples
Soothing as elms
Sh, sh, sheeee overwhelms

The power
Of Her
God, almighty
It’s weird
What’s happening to me

No, no, no
Not to be feared
Just weird
Can you feel Her?

Ohhhh… feel Her!

She commands you
To command
You should demand
Take Her cue

A righteous coo

This was actually the first song recorded for the Charge It! project. It started out as a song about a real life experience involving a bad relationship with a girl. But, it evolved into a song about a good religious experience. Kind-of like… how you can either let a bad experience with a girl take over your life, or you can take command of your own life and try to do the right thing.

It’s an extemporaneous demo.

The Power Of Weird (MP3)

One Response to “The Power Of Weird”

  1. online kids store

    Nice, i agree with you completely

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