Get Out Of Town… Or, At Least Iraq
President Obama announced today that the USA would pull its military troops out of Iraq over the next 18 months.
The announcement comes one day after the Secretary of Defense announced a change to the Photographing of Caskets of Fallen Troops policy.

Fallen Soldiers Return From Iraq
SEC. GATES: I’d like to address two subjects today.
First, I would like to make an announcement regarding the department’s policy toward media coverage of the return of our fallen heroes at Dover Air Force Base. As you know, the president asked me to review this policy. After receiving input from a number of sources, including all of the military services and organizations representing military families, I have decided that the decision regarding media coverage of the dignified transfer process at Dover should be made by those most directly affected: on an individual basis by the families of the fallen. We ought not presume to make that decision in their place.