California Wild Fires
by InciWeb

Sheep Canyon Wild Fire In California
The Sheep Fire started near Sheep Canyon Road near Lytle Creek at about 2:11 pm on Saturday October 3, 2009. It burned northeast to Swarthout Canyon Road, then northwest up Lone Pine Canyon. It is currently burning near the top of Lone Pine Canyon near Wrightwood, CA. It has not crossed Hwy 138 at this time. The fire is about 1/4 mile from Hwy 2 and homes in the area. Firefighters are cautiously optimistic at this time about keeping the fire from burning into Wrightwood. There are numerous helitankers and fixed wing air tankers dropping water and retardant on the fire, as well as crews working on the ground and engines doing structure protection.
New mandatory evacuations are in place for all Wrightwood residents. Mandatory evacuations remain in place for the following areas in Lytle Creek: Applewhite Campground, Applewhite Picnic Area, and areas east of Lytle Creek Road up to and including Mountain Lakes RV Park. Mandatory evacuations are also in place also for Swarthout Canyon, Lone Pine Canyon, and areas along Hwy 138 between I-15 and Hess Rd. Evacuation Centers are located at Eisenhower High School in Rialto and at Victorville Fairgrounds. Small animals can be taken to the Devore Animal Shelter. Large and small animals may be taken to the Victorville Fairgrounds. Glen Helen Rodeo grounds was taking large animals but is now full.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin Saturday October 03rd, 2009 approx 02:11 PM
Location Between Lytle Creek & Lone Pine Canyons
Incident Commander Woychak, Wessel, Stalknak
Current Situation
Total Personnel 702
Size 7,500 acres
Percent Contained 20%
Fuels Involved Chaparral and timber
Fire Behavior Large fire growth and short range spotting has been occurring, fire is fuel, topography, and wind driven
Significant Events Lytle Creek Community Meeting for residents to learn more about the fire will be tonight at 8:00 pm Lytle Creek Community Center, address 14082 Center Road, Lytle Creek. Another community meeting will be held also at 8:00 pm at the Victorville Fairgrounds, 14800 7th Street, Victorville.
Planned Actions Crews are constructing direct fireline and numerous engine strike teams are in place for sturcture protection for the eastern portions of Wrightwood. The fire has not crossed Hwy 138 or Hwy 2 at this time.
Growth Potential Extreme
Terrain Difficulty Extreme
Remarks The Forest Service is in unified command with San Bernardino County Fire and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. Resources assigned to the fire are: 21 handcrews, 55 engines, 4 dozers, 4 water tenders, 10 helicopters and 9 airtankers (including the DC-10 and the Martin Mars). Evacuations: All residents of Wrightwood are under a mandatory evacuation. Mandatory evacuations remain for residents in Swarthout and Lone Pine Canyons, Hwy 138 between I-15 and Hess Road, and residents on the east side of Lytle Creek Road including Applewhite Campground and Mountain Lakes Resort. Road Closures: Hwy 2, Hwy 138 between I-15 and Hwy 2, Lone Pine Canyon Road, Lytle Creek Road.