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PPL Sees The Light

PPL is a power utility in Pennsylvania. About five years ago, I called PPL about a grid connection for a windmill on a farm. I was told that the connection would have to be entirely separate from the current connection, that I would be credited for any electricity generated, but that all the credits would have to be used up through consumption at that property within 30 days…

Ha! said I, in high dudgeon. A pox upon your house. Why should I even bother to connect to the grid ?

Now I see that PPL has been slowly and reluctantly forced into the new millennium. I quote from the FAQ at

“The PUC adopted net-metering rules and interconnection standards for net-metered systems and other forms of DG in 2006, pursuant to the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) Act of 2004. In 2007, H.B. 1203 amended the Pennsylvania AEPS and also expanded net metering. Revised rules consistent with these amendments became effective in November 2008. ”

In addition, I am informed that all renewable energy credits will remain with the customer.

And from the PPL FAQ at

“We will pay you the full retail value of your generation…”

Now they’re talking.

Talking bout my generation….

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