
Ecology, Energy, Economy

Come On Down! The Price Is Right with Bob Barker’s Boat

Bob Barker (yes, the famous game show host) gave 5 million dollars to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to buy a boat. The Society named the boat after him.
Another of the Society’s boats was trying to stop Japanese whaling. The boat was hit by the Japenese and was sinking in the Antartic waters… [...]

Solar Panels Vs. Tortoises

There is a growing debate over one of the nation’s largest solar projects. BrightSource Energy has been pushing to erect massive solar energy complex in the Mojave Desert.
The 400,000 mirrors could become the first project on U.S. Bureau of Land Management property. Strange as it may sound, environmental protection groups are opposed to [...]

Volcanoes Awake

The government of Congo has stated that a volcano near Virunga National Park has erupted. The director of the park says, “it is of great concern.” Though the area is not heavily populated with humans, the park is home to endangered animal species.
Recently, the Philippines had an eruption watch and evacuation around the [...]

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