
Ecology, Energy, Economy

Bust the Hump in Santa Monica

The plan to bust the Hump restaurant in Santa Monica was launched months ago when Sea Shepherd Outreach Coordinator Zoli Teglas first told me about a Santa Monica restaurant serving whale meat. I thought he was joking.
But it was not a joke, and Zoli set about organizing a sting operation recruiting Charles Hambleton from the [...]

Reduce U.S. Consumption of Petroleum

The price of oil is currently hovering near $80 per barrel, but that doesn’t include the potential economic costs to the United States that would be caused by disruptions in oil supply, according to a recent discussion paper by Resources for the Future (RFF), an independent research group. That report estimated the oil security premium [...]

Energy-Efficient Home Heating

HARRISBURG, PA — Starting in April, funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will make it possible for tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians to reduce their energy consumption and save money through a new rebate program for home heating equipment, Governor Edward G. Rendell said today.
The $11 million program will provide rebates of between [...]

Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program

WASHINGTON–In his State of the Union address, the President called on Congress to pass a program of incentives for homeowners who make energy efficiency investments in their homes. Today, while touring a training facility at Savannah Technical College, the President outlined more details of a new “HOMESTAR” program that would help create jobs by encouraging [...]

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